Monday, February 15, 2010

I cant help buying when I search Etsy...

In a moment of weakness while searching Etsy I bought myself some roving - and from it I spun this 'rainforest frog' yarn

This pink is some of the best I have ever spun - its thin and even throughout, I am kind of impressed with myself, I did only start spinning in November :)


  1. It's so good to pat ourselves on the back!! That will be beautiful when knitted or woven.

  2. I saw your critique post on etsy and came over for a visit. I understand wanting to get in touch with other bloggers, I don't believe that I network nearly as much as I ought to (and sometimes my blog posts have weeks between them, blah). I happen to be a huge lover of yarn and knit/crochting things. I don't tend to sell that stuff on etsy though. :) I absolutely adore the "rainforest frog" that you spun. The different colours go really well together.

    here's my blog addy if you're interested:
