Monday, July 26, 2010

facebook giveaway?

I was featured in this blog this weekend! (well, my yarn was :P )

I was also in a few treasuries, I have never made one before I dont know how people are finding me! Its pretty awesome though.

On a different note, I was thinking about doing a random giveaway drawing from my facebook fans once I reach 100 followers (I am at 78 now), what to you think does it sound like a good idea?

More photos from the craft fair soon :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My First Craft Fair

The set up of the booth

This saturday was my first craft fair! I brought my yarns, baby booties, knitted toys, scarves, and hats. I have been preparing for a long time, so it was great to see everything laid out together

Mike and I standing behind the booth

The baby bootie display!

The baby booties were the biggest draw! Everyone came over to look at them, and I cant even count how many 'awwwww' 's and 'how cute!''s I got that day, but not a single pair sold! I dont know what to do about that, maybe they will sell better online? We will just have to see

The yarn display rack that my dad made for my yarns, it only blew twice which was not so bad :)

The table of toys, scarves, and hats. The little purple octopus sold, but the rest goes online!

My silly fool of a brother with my yarns