Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome HOME again

More recycled yarn here! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=43316313

Hello Everyone! It has been such a long time since I have written, silly Sara! Its been quite busy in my life for the past two weeks, but the past three days have been bliss...

I went on a 4 day road trip with my two good friends from college for the start of our spring break. We went, of all places, to colonial Williamsburg! It was so much fun, and since we were college students there on our own everyone who worked there could tell we were there because we were interested and excited, so they were all so friendly and generous.

I talked to the weaver for about 35 minutes, it was fantastic! She showed me her enormous looms (weaving, the next things I want to learn to do!) and told me all about how she dyes her wool - all of the things that they make in Williamsburg are made the same way that they made things in colonial times. I was just itching to try out the beautiful old spinning wheels... SO PRETTY! and then I was eyeballing her hand carders, because I do not have any and have been so curious about them. She showed me how they work, and then let me try them out! (I kept the little piece I carded in my pocket, it was so soft and fluffy)

Some of the thinnest prettiest yarn I've made yet!

It is so lovely to be home, I spent two straight says in the sun in clark and farmount park. More later, All the best

Monday, March 8, 2010

to home and back again

It was so nice to go home to Philly for the weekend. Grandted, i did spend all of friday writing a paper and it did make my wrists and fingers hurt for a few days afterwards, but it all turned out fine.

the flower show was AMAZING. More when I get the pictures off of my moms camera

Up above is some recycled yarn. Do you think its too exspensive?
I thought it was very appropriately priced,but most other recyled yarn is less... I did dye it so it is self striping and then re-spin it. Any advice would be appreciated!

All the best everyone,